Welp, not dead!

Just….kind of forgot this blog existed.


Miracle of Life

He couldn’t remember most of his first trip to Ryenna’s forest. Had it really only been two decades ago? He’d been half-dead, she thought he may have been suicidal. He wasn’t, though, hadn’t been in nearly ten years. A promise made in the dark, a promise made to soothe a dying lover, that he would live for both of them.

Ryenna had nursed him back to health, reminded him without ever knowing about the promise that he needed to survive. She was open in the beginning about her attraction to him, but she was married and he was grieving. It had taken six months and a drunken mistake for him to admit that he shared her feelings. They both agreed that the night couldn’t be repeated.

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Behind the curtain….

There is a lovely piece or twelve brewing!

NaNo was a no-go….as in, my draft is sitting unfinished on 40,000 words and probably will stay unfinished for now. I have other shinies to work on.

Like a new novel inspired by the musical Curtains.

And a “fanfiction” piece that’s a crossover between Game of Thrones and Legend of the Seeker (I say it in quotes because there’s a weird-ass premise behind it).

And a few other stories as well.

So look for updates soon. Maybe I’ll even post excerpts from my unfinished draft too!

You can also follow me on my writing tumblr at asongofrandomwriting.tumblr.com

Now I need to put my busy writer hat back on and get busy!

Nonfiction: April’s Tips and Tricks for Living With an Opinionated Woman

Do you find yourself living with an opinionated woman? Do you spend hours at a time in hiding because you don’t want to set them off, lest you be subjected to a marathon of all the ways they are always right? Never fear! As an opinionated woman myself, I’m here to teach you how to cope with living with us, in ways that won’t leave you reaching for the vodka! (Note: I do not condone drinking to deal with an opinionated woman. That will just set us off more.)

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